Sunday 13 July 2014

We're a bit sick of weatherboarding now

Another wintery weekend and another weekend of weatherboarding. I know that is a great place to be after all the really boring part that we have been through like waiting for plans and digging hole after hole, but it is turning out to be so slow because of the weather and the fiddly boards and packing that needs to be done to make it look top quality.

The back wall  is pretty much done now except for some boards on the bottom that we have left off to allow access to the stumps for some steel work that still has to be finished.

The week ahead is going to be another wet and rainy one. The only sunny day is Monday. We'd love a miracle and to see the rest of the roof and the skylight to be done tomorrow. That would really cheer me up.

At least the windows should arrive in about 9 days. That will be cool and give me some more painting to do.

The kids are back to school tomorrow too so back to packing lunches and homework routine. Boo!


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